Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MV2120 and 5150 ssh user update

So I had to reboot my MV and found it was a bit of a pain to re-establish the ssh users. So the quick way to fix the problem after a reboot is as follows.

When you go to edit the /etc/passwd you will see something like this
joeuser:x:502:502:Linux User,,,:/:/bin/nologin

You will need to edit it so it looks more like this.
joeuser:x:502:502:Linux User,,,/:/share/1000/joeuser:/bin/sh

Not like in the original post over here. (Original joeuser:x:502:502:Linux User,,,:/share/1000/joeuser:/bin/sh) notice the extra / in User,,,/:/share

I have updated the original post as of 4/27/09 to fix the problem.

Once you have done that you will need to set the password for the user using the following command.

passwd username (username being the users password you want to set.)

Sorry for the mess up.

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