Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm Still Around....I'm not dead yet.....

It's been a little while since my last post. This is just a quick update to let you all know I'm still around. I just have a lot going on lately.

I have a few projects that I have been working on that I will post about in a few days. Might not be as exciting as the phone and MediaVault, however I still think this project will be of interest to some people.

Seeing how Google has just released google voice, I may have to re-visit my phone project and see if I still need skype.....In theory, I may not need the pico to run siptheeskype....We'll see.

Just to give a small hint of what I have been playing with on and off .....I have secretly been working on a Drupal site (Naturestechnology)....but don't tell anyone.

There are a few things I've found that I'll post about for all the Drupal lovers out there, but it will take a couple of days.

Well until then.....have fun!!

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