Sunday, October 5, 2008

HP Media Vault MV2120, MV5150 IPKG

NOTE: In order to access your vault from a remote location, remote access must be set up.

So the HP Media Vaults are cool little things. They are for the most part a NAS with a few extras, however.....they are also fairly hackable.

Ive been using the HP media vault for a few months now and haven't hand any real problems (other then the ones I create). I use it for storage and streaming media on my local network. I Also have been using it as a remote storage place for myself and friends as a place to work on projects.

When on my local LAN I don't worry about running it through any type of encryption, however when I'm out and about I like to have some sort of security.

I have https enabled on the MV so when I access the MV from a remote place my web session is going through encryption. The only downer with the web interface is you are only able to download, and upload one file at a time. This is where IPKG comes along.

Taken from Wikipedia:
, or the Itsy Package Management System, is a lightweight package management system designed for embedded devices that tries to resemble Debian's dpkg.

So to install IPKG, ssh into the MV and do the following.
NOTE: When following the procedure above use hpmv2-bootstrap_1.2-5_arm.xsh and not trap_1.1-1_arm.xsh as it says to.

NOTE:To ssh into the MV you need to know the MV IP address and ssh client installed on a computer. If you are using Linux you should be all set. If you are using windows machine you can download and install SSH for Windows.
If you want to be really adventurous you can install andlinux and run a full ubuntu system native in windows. (Very COOL!!!)

So to ssh into the MV you would do the flowing:

ssh root@theIPaddress
enter the system password when asked. (Thats the password you used to set the MV up.)

Once IPKG is installed do the following:

"ipkg update"
"Ipkg install openssh"

The openssh package includes something called SCP (Secure Copy Protocol). This will be need to upload and download multiple files at a time. (notice I said files, not directories.)

Next you will need to install WinSCP on your computer. You have a choice of an installer or a portable package. (You can run the portable package from a USB thumb drive)

Once you have WinSCP set up all you need to do is start WinSCP and complete the following fields.

Click Session on the Left.
Under Host Name enter the URL you would enter if you were using a web browser with out the http, or https://, or you can use the IP address

Host Name:

Port: 22

User Name: root

File Protocol:SCP

Now click on "Tunnel" under "Connection" on the left.
Enter all the same information for each field you just entered above.
Ensure "Connect Through SSH Tunnel" is checked.

That's it!
When asked for a password, Enter the password that was used to setup the MediaVault
Now when you go to connect you will get an error "error looking up user group" Just click ok.
There are no groups on the vault and that is why this error appears.

A Word Of Caution: You are running root! You can brick you system and possibly loose your files if you do the wrong thing.
If this happens you can recover you system but not your files with this tool here.

All of your files will be located in /share/1000
You can now upload and download multiple files.

For lots of good info, hacks, and how to's see here.


Unknown said...

I tried your procedure step by step.
Everything is installing but the sshd daemon does not start...
simply does not produce any effect and rebooting does not help either.
I have MV2120 (II generation)

Any clue would be appreciated

WannabeGeek said...

ssh runs by default on the MV2. The reason to install openssh is to be able to use scp. So all you are doing is using a package that is in need to run the daemon.
Are you trying to get WinSCP working,
or just trying to use SCP?
If you can ssh into the MV2 ssh is working. (ssh user@MV2ipaddress)
Let me know if you still need help.

Unknown said...

First let me thank you for the answer.

What I am actually trying to do is to have a sftp server on my MV2120
I can ssh as a root (I believe MV has the dropbear installed).
I installed openssh and openssh-sftp-server. (my reference besides your blog was
Unfortunately the sftp server doesn't seems to work. (I believe it should start with the /opt/etc/init.d/S40sshd line..but this doesn't produce any effect)
Thank you

WannabeGeek said...

From what you have posed it looks like you need to change ports around. However I dont know if that was written for the MV1, or MV2.

If it was for the MV2, once you have the ports set it should be running.

If you can ssh -p 8122 root@hpmv (step 3)(the 8122 is the openssh sshd port)its working.

If this was written for the MV1 then possibly the moment you reboot your MV2 it will re-write files. However I dont know if this is the case for you.

As for sftp server I'm sure there is a config file you'll need to set up.

You may want to contact the person who wrote this.
He might be better helping you at setting this up.

Just wondering....why the sftp? Using SCP will do the....well for the most part the same thing.

I currently have multiple users uploading/downloading files and directories on the vault using the windows client WinSCP. I just need to set directory permissions on the vault.

Unknown said...

I just wanted to be able to use gftp (I have ubuntu) but given that your system is running well with scp I'll give up the graphical interface and I'll go for the scp

WannabeGeek said...

Have you tried anything like this?

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm now going to! :)

Unknown said...

I did not..but looks like a good workaround Thanks!

WannabeGeek said...

One more for ya to check out.
Let me know what you come up with!